How SR-22 Works in Illinois

by | Jan 4, 2019 | Insurance

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If you are located in Illinois and required to have an SR-22 document, you are likely looking for SR-22 insurance deals in Chicago. The document mentioned is one that certified you carry the appropriate automobile insurance coverage. Some drivers in the state of Illinois are required to file this form to get their license back after certain driving offenses, including a DUI. Even those who don’t own a vehicle will need to file the form to have their licensed reinstated.

Understanding SR-22

Serious driving offenses like driving without insurance, driving under the influence, and failing to pay the damages for an accident for which you were at fault may lead to the need to file an SR-22 before getting the privilege of driving back. The form is paper or digital and is send from an insurer to the government to show you have the proper insurance required by law. If you stop paying and the policy lapses, your insurance provider will let the government know and your privileges will be removed again.

Getting SR-22 Insurance in Illinois

The process of getting SR-22 if fairly similar to getting normal car insurance. Most people who require SR-22 insurance deals in Chicago have had their license suspended and insurance canceled, but those who still have insurance may find your provider can add SR-22 for you. Those who are looking for a new policy will want to make it clear that you need SR-22. While many insurance providers offer it, that isn’t true for everyone single one.

After your coverage is in effect, the agency you purchased insurance from will send off the form to the government for you. It can take up to a month for this to be processed, after which you will have your vehicle registration and driver’s license reinstated. If you aren’t sure whether your form has been reinstated, you can easily find out by calling 217 782 3720 and providing your social security and driver’s license numbers.

Carrying SR-22 is required for three years and you will want to renew it a couple of months before your policy expires. If you are looking for deals on SR-22 in Chicago, Illinois Automobile Insurance Agency is here to help. We offer auto insurance, SR-22 forms, and much more. You can get a free quote online by visiting website.

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