Get smart about buying a home. Read on to figure out how switching to a credit union for mortgage loans in Kennewick may be an excellent move for you to make. Pay fewer fees Big banks these days seem to charge for a million of things. If you’re tired of getting...
4 Car Buying Tips for Rookies
Buying a car can be a complicated process. If this is your first time to do so, here’s a few expert advice on what you can do. Look for a credit union Switching to a credit union offers plenty of advantages. You can expect lower fees and interest rates, the Business...
5 Things to Keep in Mind Before You Open a Checking Account
Opening a checking account in the nearest bank may not be in your best interests. Before you go to all that trouble, here are a few things you’ll want to keep in mind. You can look beyond banks Look beyond banks. Credit unions like HAPO also offer a range of financial...
Buying a Home? 5 Questions to Ask
Buying a home is a long-term financial commitment. Here are a few considerations you’ll want to factor in: What kind of home suits you? Do you plan on raising a family in the next few years? Then you’ll probably want property that’s big enough to provide space for...
3 Tips to Get the Best Mortgage Rates
One of the most important aspects of buying a home is finding a good deal on your financing. If you’re after the best mortgage rates in Walla Walla, here’s how to make sure you find them: Know the cost Before you look around for mortgage rates, make sure you know how...